
I need help to try and track down my long lost aunt...?

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my aunt has been gone for over 40 yrs and i'd like to try and find her. she hasnt had any contact wit my mam's family at all since she left. all i know about her is that her name is AnneMarie or Nancy and my nan made her give up her baby for adoption because she was an unmarried mother and that she went back to the home where her daughter was six weeks later but the baby was already put up for adoption so my left ireland and nobody has heard anything of her. since she left and the last sightin of her was in manchester crossing the road several yrs later with a little boy around 5 years old and also the daughter she had to give up for adoption would be in her early forties. i cant track her down on other websites because i dont have a copy of her birth certificate or even know her date of birth and her family wont talk about her so i cant find out any other information about her. i was just wondering if someone could tell me where or what to do to try and find her! many Thanks!!




  1. You have not mentioned her full name nor her last known City and State of residence. If you have that info, let me know and I'll run her name in our database and see what comes up.

    You must understand that, if we find her, we must obtain her authorization to disclose her contact information to you.

  2. The salvation army offer a service where they will try and track down lost family members, it does cost about £50 and there are no guarentees but im not sure what anybody could do without her date of birth or any personal information other then her name. i think you may have a very long bumpy road, you can always try snoopin around, maybe old friends of the family will have more information to help you!

    good luck

  3. ok...

    go on friend's re-united.

    or a search site for lost family.

    maybe that might work..


    good luck

  4. It's a bit of a long shot, but have you thought of a letter to the Manchester local newspaper, addressed to the "Readers' Letters Column" just putting in briefly that your Aunt, AnneMarie aka Nancy was last seen in Manchester with her 5 year old son and daughter, now aged 40+, and approx dates that would have been.  No need to mention about the Mother and Baby Home in case her family don't know about her past.

    You could just be lucky - your Aunt might read the Readers' Letters.

    We get quite a few letters in the Town where I live, relating to family searching for people, and they seem to be quite successful judging by the thank-you letters which are published a few weeks later.

    Google will give you the address of the newspaper, just ask for "Manchester newspaper"

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