
I need help training for the 60-mile bike ride.?

by Guest64790  |  earlier

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Hi. I bike, but I've never biked 60 miles before. Can you give me some tips for training for the 60 mile bike ride that I signed up for? It's in 6 weeks.




  1. How many miles do you currently ride per week?

    How long is your typical ride?

    What is the length of your longest ride to date?

  2. I agree with phoster. Also, 60 miles might sound like a lot but it really isn't if you think about. Just keep riding. Hopefully you're riding at least 20 miles each time you ride. Since you already ride, then 60 miles just means you've extended your journey. Just stop every 15-20 miles for a break and a bite to eat whether you feel like it or not.  I started doing that when I was a teenager. It will be long if you're not fast but enjoy yourself and be well equipped. At least you will be comfortable and you'll complete it. Good luck and an early congrats!!!

  3. a few basics, first is stay hydrated.  you need to be drinking two 22oz water bottles every 25miles or so.  i like to mix water and a replacement drink like gatorade for the calories.  most metric centuries have two rest stops, where you can reload on water and fuel up on food.  mentally you can divide it into three 20mile rides that way.

    second is to eat. at those rest breaks eat.  by 20-25miles you begin to run out of glycogen to fuel your body.  you need to replace it by eating.

    as you ride, practice spinning.  you'll find if you are pushing on your legs hard all the time, you use up your muscles and could experience cramps or bonking.  as you ride, you should focus on turning the pedals over easily to conserve your legs.

    finally, build up your long ride.  on the weekend or however you get out to ride, each week add more miles and slowly build up.  you can make 5mile jumps each week without any problem, so if you are doing 25 now, try 30 next time, then 35 and so on.


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