
I need help training my cockatiel?

by Guest61549  |  earlier

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hey everyone! I need help training my cockatiel. What is the name of the whistle that you do when someone is really good looking and the whistle coacktiels learn first? I am trying to find videos of it so i can leave the computer at home so my birdy will learn!




  1. well i have 4 Cockatiel birds and you deffinitly dont need to play it over again

    i haen auntie who almost never comes over but when the first few tiems she came voer she did this really cool kinda whistle

    and after that day everytime my auntie comes over they do that same whistle. but they also do it randomly or when you whistle to them a few tiems they will repeat it back to you. there pretty smart they catch things very good and very fast its very coool

  2. It is called the wolf whistle. If you want the bird to talk then hold off on the whistle training until the bird has learned a couple of words. You can purchase a endless loop casset tape to play for him. Plug it into a timer and have it come on for fifteen minutes at a time about three or four times a day. Most birds have about a 15 minute attention span. Much more than that and they get bored. Try to teach them their name and some simple phrases of three or four words. After they have learned a few words or  a couple of phrases then they are ready for whistling 101. They will pick up whole songs if the time is spent training. Some things will pick songs up quickly. Other will take forever to learn a line of one song. Each has it's own time table. The main thing is to keep the training fun and enjoyable for the bird. They will learn much quicker if it is fun. Some times it will be apparent from the beginning that they are uninterested. Stop! Put the bird back in it's cage and try again in an hour or so. You can do more harm than good forcing the bird to train when it doesn't want to.

    If you leave a birds lessons on for the whole day it will soon become  uninterested in learning and then it just becomes noise to them. When that happens they won't learn anything.

    Remember two things, patience and 15 minute sessions.

  3. You don't need to keep playing it over and over.  Just do it about 10 times a day and your bird will pick it up in no time.  The bird won't even want to do it after hearing it that much.  Good luck!

  4. wolf whistle

    And you should play mostly in the morning, because that's when birds sing the most. But playing it all day is an excellent idea, and don't worry if s/he doesn't pick it up right away, it might take a little while.

  5. You dont need to play it constantly, your bird will pick it up in no time at all if you do it yourself for a while.

  6. My cockatiel whistles the entire andy griffin theme whistle just from putting it on that channel. When that show comes on he goes crazy dancing bobbing his head up and down and whistling' and after seeing it a couple of times he does it without it being on.

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