
I need help translating this sentence from Spainsh to English.?

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He captured a witch and she casts a spell in his drink causing him to mistake frenegonde's father for a bear, he shoots her father, destroying all his plans for marriage.




  1. Él capturó a una bruja y ella puso un hechizo en su bebida que le hizo creer que el papá de Frenegonde era un oso. Él le disparó a el padre de Frenegond y destruyo todos sus planes para casarse.

    Who is Frenegonde? and about what it is this story?

  2. You cannot translate every single word but this is close.  

    El capturó a una bruja y ella lanza un rato en su bebida que causa que él yerre a padre de frenegonde para un oso, él dispara a su padre, destruyendo todos sus planes para el casamiento.

  3. Él capturó a una bruja (He captured a witch), y ella le puso un hechizo en su bebida ( and she cast a spell in his drink), confundiendo al padre de Frenegonde por un oso (causing him to mistake frenegonde's father for a bear). Él le disparó a su padre, (he shoots her father) destruyendo así, sus planes de matrimonio. (destroying all his plans for marriage)


    The translation of Mad mex is also good.

  4. Él capturó a bruja y ella echa un encanto en su bebida que lo hace confundir al padre de los frenegonde desde un oso, él tira a su padre, destruyendo todos sus planes para la unión.

    Have you never used the translate feature of Word?

  5. Él capturo una Bruja, pero esta a su vez pone un encanto en su bebida que lo hace confundir al padre de Frenegonde con un oso.  ÃƒÂ‰l le dispara al padre de Frenegonde confundiéndolo con un oso destruyendo por completo sus planes para el matrimonio.

    Basic translation programs give you an idea, but are never accurate.  I ran the Spanish version to a translator back to english, and this is what it returns:

    He I capture a Witch, but this at the same time puts an I bewitch in its beverage that causes confuses it Al father of Frenegonde with a bear.  He him unlike Al father of Frenegonde confusing it with a bear destroying completely its plans for the marriage

    And this is what the same proram did with the previous translation:

    He captured witch and she he throws a charm in its beverage that causes confuses it Al father of the frenegonde since a bear, he throws its father, destroying all its plans for the union

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