
I need help understanding my prescription for eye glasses???

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my eye prescription is:

Right eye: sph +.75 / cyl -.50 / axis 150

Left eye: sph +.25.

What does this mean? How bad are my eyes and when should i wear my glasses ... all the time or just in certain cases??? Please help !!!!




  1. OD: +.75 diopters spherical--

    minus 0.50 diopter cylinder to correct astigmatism which is in the 150 degree axis.

    OS ( ocula sinistra- left eye) no astigmatism, just a slight plus lens.

  2. You are hyperopic...which is farsighted.  You have a slight difficulty reading...but should be able to see things far away.  You have a very small prescriptioin and probably wouldn't really benefit much from glasses.  Since the prescription is for reading, you won't need them all the time, but you can wear them all the time. The problem with that prescription is the glasses get dirty and since you need them for reading, it will be more difficult to read.  The left eye is very good.  Not really a prescription there.  The right eye is definately a little worse, but not enough to really warrent glasses.

  3. As above - not a strong prescription but you should wear your glasses if they make things more comfortable. If there are some activities you do when your vision feels just as comfortable both with and without glasses, then it's up to you (as it always is, of course) but there may be no point wearing them. However, if there are certain activities (such as reading) which feel more comfortable with glasses, then wear them.

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