
I need help understanding my prescription for glasses?

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my eye prescription is:

right eye: sph +.75 / cyl -.25 / axis 21

left eye: sph +.25




  1. It just means that you are very mildly farsighted...more so in the right eye.

    The right eye also has a very minor correction for astigmatism ( the -.25 )...but that can be found on almost everybody.

    With a prescription like that , unless you have a specific complaint about focusing at certain activities, like computer , or really don't even need them.

    Your left eye has virtually no correction , so unless you feel you need them , don't worry about it.

  2. First off if its been over a year you may need a new RX.

    second Your right eye is worse than the left and has astigmatism meaning you can't see detail as well, that eyes shape is more like a foot ball needing two powers cut into the lens to correct it.

    The other eye is just has a little distance problem and is more rounded in the socket in nature.

    vision actually takes place at the back of our head

    Because there is a difference in your eyes  and lens if you don't wear your glasses it could cause you to have eye strain  causing headaches. That's why I recomend wearing them or getting new eye exam if over one year

  3. What footprint said is correct.  You are mildly far-sighted with the smallest and largely insignificant amount of astigmatism.  Depending on your age, you may not need them at all, or you might like them for long periods of computer use/reading if that is problematic for you.  It helps take some of the strain off of your eyes with long periods of close-up work.  If you are very young and have no symptoms, you probably don't need them.

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