I am a very slow reader, and we are reading this book in class. I was out for a week or so and missed a lot of what was going on and only made it back in time for the last few pages. All and all, I missed the entire book because I caught the flu. I've devised some questions that would help me understand the book more. The teacher will not give me a chance to read the book again or give me make up time. The test is on Wednesday.
1.) WHERE did the action of the book take place? General to specific.
2.) WHEN did the action take place. From general to specific time.
3.) WHAT was the problem or conflict of the main character? (What did he or she want that he or she did not have?)
4.) Did he or she solve his/her problem? If so, how? If not, why not?
I would GREATLY appreciate these questions being answered.
Note: I am absolutely not the type to do this because I procrastinated. I would take responsibility for my actions, if that was the case. So please don't think of me as that type of person.
Thank you!