
I need help vaccinating my dog so i found online reference tools but i dont know how far in to put the needle?

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i would like some answers soon please and only want the answer of how far to put the needle in for i am doing it myself




  1. look at the needle. You will see the hole of the needle. You need to get this part under the skin. Grab some skin on the back of his neck. Pull up and then stick the needle into the skin. You dont have to put the needle all the way in. Just make sure that hole gets in under the skin.

    Prior to the injection. When you are pulling the vaccine out of its container make sure there are no bubbles. Gently hit the side of the needle so the air bubbles go to the top of the solution toward the direction of the needle. Then push the plunger till the bubble gets out. Push gently or all your solution will be gone. If you get a bubble under the skin it is no biggie. But if it were in a vein it would kill the animal. But being just under the skin should not matter.

    What I do is leave the needle in the container when I gently hit the side of the needle. This is the best method. When you push on the plunger the liquid is going back into the container. You are not loosing the liquid. This way if you push to fast or to hard you did not waste the liquid. You just pull it back out of the container and try again.

  2. depends what you are vaccinating against. If it is a sub-Q shot, then just pull up the skin over the withers until you have a "tent" and stick the needle in (it will depend on the length of the needle, but generally they will be between .75 & 1 inch. Ylou will know if it pops out the other side, but just try it. Once you do it , the next time will be easy. Just create the tent so you will create a room for the needle tip to land in sio you will inject the vaccine in to the room & not out the other side. The hardest part is getting it through the skin. make sure someone is holding him well by the head/neck just in case he turns to bite you (a natural reaction to the stick of the needle)

  3. I am sure if you went to a vet they would be glad to help you, and probably even  guide you as you do it. This is what I would do, that way there is no second guessing myself and I would have someone there that could critique what I am doing right or wrong, so I would know for sure next time.

    Any decent vet wouldn't charge you for this either.

  4. It depends, are the vaccines IM, IV... If you don't know what you are doing and it sounds like you don't (no offense) maybe its best to wait and get someone to show you so you will know for next time. The last thing you want to do is give the shot wrong. It could kill your dog.

  5. Pull the loose skin up on your dogs back right above his shoulders.  Poke the needle into the loose skin anywhere from halfway to all the way.  The idea is to get the vacine under the skin and not to hit any bones or major arteries or anything.  It's really easy but a little freaky the first time.

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