
I need help with AP Euro!?

by Guest67092  |  earlier

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"Contrast some of the factors which led to the unification of France and Spain with those that prevented the unification of Italy and Germany. What are the primary characteristics of the modern state?"

The question is referring to the end of the middle ages/renaissance.

Please help!




  1. France and Spain (also England)

    ○ Towns growing, growing middle class

    ○ Trade, industry

    ○ Lords losing power, kings gaining

    ○ Serfdom ending

    ○ State of living improving

    German states and Italy:

    - Small towns, small middle class

    - Agricultural

    - Lords maintain power, kings weak

    - Serfdom kept getting worse

    - Stagnant state of living

    Another factor was the fact that France was more united and strengthened after the 30 Year War, whereas Germany was greatly weakened by it.

    As for Italy, at the time of the Renaissance the ruling power was split between wealthy merchants (mainly the Medici family) and the Pope.

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