
I need help with Bryo in Metroid Prime 3?

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In Metroid Prime 3 what is the difference between Bryo and Ellesiya?




  1. the only difference is their gender and that bryo is stronger but if you shoot his weak part when he attacks ull eventually kill him

  2. Um, yeah, I was the guy that answered the other question. I'll put up another answer so you don't have to choose that other answer that. Ok, Brryo is the first planet you land on after destroying the Leviathan on Norion. It's is one of the three planets with an activated Leviathan seed on it. It is inhabited by the Reptilian Brryans, beings that were once sentient but over time established a mental decay and now act only on primal instinct. The planet was ravaged by a civil war between the spiritual members of the Brryan tribe and the scientific members. The war involved using advanced scientific weapons and using ancient spiritual magic. The two opposing forces created uninhabitable areas all over the planet. Only when one of the leaders of the scientific Brryans realized what was happening to the planet, did some areas of the planet survived. With the help of a still sane priestess of the spiritual Brryans did he accomplish preserving some areas of Brryo. The architecture of the Brryans are depicted in their image and the Golems used for many of the daily needs of the Brryans still remain active. Their are some ancient technology left behind by the Brryans in hidden areas of the planet.

    Elysia is different from Brryo mainly due to the fact that you do not even touch the surface of the planet. Instead, you land on a Sanctuary situated above the planet surface. It is a City in the Sky where the owners were mechanical beings brought to life by the Intellectual Chozo. They were given sentient thought by the Chozo, much like the inhabitants of Brryo were. The machines were able to produce others in their image and create Brethren. The mechanical owners of the city were soon greeted by envoys from the Galactic Federation. One of the first existing semi-organic processing centers, the Aurora Unit, was situated in the city as a means of the GF reaching out to the rest of the Galaxy through the city upon Elysia. Due to this alliance between the GF and the Elysians, Space Pirates soon attacked the city. The last remaining leader of the Elysians protected the city until she was shut down.

    There you go, hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for making me a Contact.

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