Yesterday my mother in law who lives in louisiana made a report to the police in my county in texas saying that my family was doing crack around my 9 month old son, and that he was malnourished. the police came to my door and asked me about it, and told them no which is the truth, not only do i care for my son well but i am also 2 months pregnant with another child, but the police came in, and saw my house which was messy at the time, they sniffed the air to see if there were drugs present, and they also saw my son. they told my family and i that there was not a dang thing wrong with my son, he looks healthy as can be, and they said that we would not hear from them again. Then when they got outside, they sat in the yard talking for about 10 minutes before they left, and i do not know what about.
I am wondering if CPS will do a follow up and come check, even though the cops said he was fine, and if CPS does, what can i expect???