
I need help with Jealousy..

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What are some ways on how i can overcome or deal with jealousy..cuase it seems like its tearing and ruining my relationship with my Girlfriend..and i know she doesnt like it..

when im jealous i dont say anything..but shey knows when i am...

so please..any advice or tips on how i can overcome it..

plz and thanks




  1. jealousy is normal in every relationship.

    its shows you care about your girlfriend and that you just dont wana lose her.

    is she cant except the fact that you are jealous then you shouldnt be wit her.

  2. I think it's good that you are willing to admit that you are jealous (a sign of hope!)  Also the fact that you want to find answers for it is a great sign too.

    Tip 1: Be thankful for what you have. not just referring to material possessions. Remember there are people out there who are alone and who even feel it's hopeless for them to ever have a relationship with anyone.

    Tip 2: Instead of being jealous of someone, tell them what you appreciate about them.  If you have offended the person and made it very clear that you're jealous of them, let them know how sorry you are.

    Tip 3: Don't compare. The things in life that are really important can't really be compared.

    Tip 4:  Be content with what you have and trust that you will receive what you need in life from God (sorry if that sounds too religious).

  3. act cool and thing about all the tings u have ans she doesnt like loos or money or just stuff...(cus i dont know u guys personaly )

    or for ex. think wel maybe she gorgeous but im pretty and smart.. and so... think about what u have better than her!!

    if that doesnt help.

    go to ur room lie on the floor and think y? y am i jelous of her?? what deos she have and then make a list ... a lost of what she has and then u ... if the results end up that she as more.. then ask other people mind!!

    ohhh and my mama told me that once to ...

    noo matter how good u are at something or how pretts u are there is always someone who is better...

    and even that person who is better has someone else who is better...

    hope it helps...

  4. Just trust her!! understand that she isnt going to cheat on you b/c she is beautiful..

    I have the same issues with my bf(not to sound conceited) but i am pretty attractive. And in his mind pretty equals even more guys that he has to watch out for. But the truth of the matter is, most guys are afraid to approach women they feel are very attractive.

    Remember she is not YOURS. she does not belong to you.

    She is just your PARTNER..

    If she is doing something to make you not trust her.. then thats a different story..

  5. just become a better acter. at the moment u become jealous just forget about it and tell your self that u will freak later when she doesn't no

  6. That is normal, it shows that you love her, but if you are too jealous and that creates problems then its not good. It shows that you do not trust her, maybe?  

    You out of everyone should know why you get so jealous. And whatever the reason is try to not think about it. And just remember that she loves you very much and focus on the positive sides , do NOT ruin the relationship with something like this.

  7. Try to figure out the root of the problem.  Was your trust broken in a previous relationship?  Do you have a low self esteem?  Past relationships can kill the future ones if we don't deal with those issues.  Make sure you talk to her about what you've been hurt by in the past and think if there's anything specific she is doing that is bringing that feeling all back to you.  She can cool off on doing "that" for a while, when you are working on your issues.  Try to do some activities or hobbies that you are good at.  Take a class and experience something new.  Make sure you agree to be honest with each other even if the truth will hurt.  Make it a pact and you will feel better eventually.  

  8. Why are you jealous?

  9. just dont sweat the small stuff

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