
I need help with Nintendo Wifi?

by  |  earlier

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I have mcafee, my firewall off, and i keep getting the connection sharing error (6), ONLY POST AN ANSWER IF YOU SOLVED IT, I DON'T NEED ANSWERS FROM PEOPLE STILL EXPERIENCING THE SAME PROBLEM. oh, and i'm running windows xp




  1. If you go to settings from the wii menu, click to the right a screen or two and you'll find a section called Internet.  Go to Connection Settings, and it should show 3 connections, with perhaps your old internet connection as the first.  Pick a new one, and there is an option for a nintendo USB connector, or you can connect straight to your wireless router.

    here is a detailed guide:

  2. Make sure you have it all connected right, that was my problem.

  3. Okay so what's wrong again u said that u don't need post from us so not telling u



  4. Have you actually configured your DS or Wii with your internet yet? You have to select it from startup first, you know. Everything else is pretty much self-explanatory from there. It may be that you have a password and the game system can't get past it if you don't put it in first. If you have, and it's still not working, I reccomend getting a Nintendo WiFi USB invented for this very purpose. They are sold at Best Buy...GameStop...If it STILL doesn't work...then...give up.

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