
I need help with Study Strategies?

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I have LD (affecting sequencing, organization, auditory & visual short term memory, Disorder of Written Expression ) and ADHD (although I'm not medicated, I've had some allergic reactions). One of my biggest problems is that I don't know how to study, (other than writing something down again and again and repeating out loud the letters again and again for a spelling test). But I have to study for Bio 30 for example, repeating the letters doesn't work well. I don't even know how to approach studying, and how to stay focused during. I need to learn study. Does anyone know how to go about learning this, or have any tips? I really need study strategies.





  1. Maybe it might help if you writed out the terms and definitions that you need to know on index cards and then write on the back what they mean . Then try quizing yourself with them to help prompt your memory and then check the back to see if you got the term right

  2. I fully understand. I too am ADHD, learned to read late, and have had organization and auditory issues. Yet I was able to achieve a PhD. It took longer, but you can succeed. So don't give up.

    First, you need to determine how you learn best. When you are in class and the teacher is explaining something, do you understand? Do you remember? Or do you need to write it down? Do you need to actually do something with it in order to remember it? These are called learning styles. Go to your guidance office and ask if they have any type of learning style inventory that you can take. This knowledge will help you figure out what is the most effective way of learning.

    Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Bio 30, but I will make some suggestions: 1) use index cards and make flash cards for yourself that you can carry with you in your pocket. You can study them when you have the time.; 2) read your information into a tape machine and play it back. You might want to leave space on the tape to allow you to repeat what you are reading; 3) use color to help you remember. Most people learn better with a specific color overlay. YOu can get these in an office supply house. You place them over your book and read ( or use colored glasses instead). You will need to find out which color works best for you and this may take some time.; 4) additionally, with color, use different color folders for different topics or different subjects. This will help with organization; 5) for sequencing, place each component of information on different cards or paper and put them in order. Do this several times. Also, you may want to place the information on different colored papers. When you need to remember them, you will visualize them in their color and make mental associations.

    If I can think of any other ideas I've used myself or taught my students, I'll add it to your inquiry for as long as it's still open. Good luck. You have an uphill battle. I won't tell you it will be easy, but you can succeed once you learn what works best for you.

  3. Well I don't know how much I'll be able to help you, seeing as you have ADHD etc, but I'll give you my advice:


    Go into a room where there's not much to do, such as a study or the dining room or something. Make sure you have quiet and no one comes to bother you. Also, adjust your lighting so it makes you feel at ease (some people dislike fluorescent lights, some people prefer natural light, and so on). Don't listen to music, it never helps despite what people say.

    Allot yourself some time every day to study and tell yourself "this is my designated study time". If you feel antsy, get up and have a drink of water.


    There are several ways you can go about doing this. The best way is to do flash cards, where you write the term on one side and write the definition on the other. Once you're done and you have looked over them, get someone to quiz you.

    You can also make all the vocabulary words into a song if that helps you to remember: i did this once with the explorers during the Enlightenment for History class.

    "Disacharrides are made of two sugars, salt is a compound that is found in your boogers" off the top of my head, could be something you try out.

    Ask your teacher for a study guide. Look at all the things you need to know and type up the answers. Study off your own study guide, it helps a lot.

    Any texts you need to know, be an active reader. use highlighters to mark important things and take notes in the margins.

    I used to not know how to study, but thanks to some good teachers now I have no problem.

    I hope it helps.

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