
I need help with Volleyball blocking?

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I need some help with blocking we practiced yesterday and i didn't do as hot as i usually do. I can get up there but the only thing is i have trouble knowing when exactly to go up for the block and where i should put my arms before i jump because i always end up swinging them from behind my head if they are up to high. Can anyone help?




  1. First of all ,

    put your arms straight out in front of you, then bend them at the elbow, put you elbows on the net , thats how far away you should be.

    Bend your knees , shoulder width apart.

    You should jump when the person who is hitting the ball is swinging her arm the hit the ball.

    When you jump , bring your shoulders up by your ears and jump in an arch, don't jump and then stick your hands over.


  2. ask your couch for some tips or when your surving its good to find ur "hard spot" thats were u can hit the ball with out hurting ur self after you find that on your arms then your find and u should beable to block

  3. r u tall if not sorry

  4. Start with the blocking stance. feet shoulder width apart, knees bent. Upper arms should be parallel to the floor and  and lower arms parallel to the net. Your arms should also be parallel to eachoether, both upper and lower. keep your arms right in front of you not out to the sides. It feels a little awkward but your elbows should be only shoulder width apart and same with your hands. Your distance from the net is just a few inches more than that elbow to shoulder distance. If your hands are always within your view, then you cannot put them behind your head(you don't want them behind your head, or you will be swinging them towards the net to block and might possibly net). When you block you should be able to see the backs of your hands. As for timing, locate the ball first, then find the hitter. the ball cannot go anywhere without the hitter, they are the thing you are really following. All the time you are watching the hitter and ball you adjust your feet.Just before they are about to hit, find the ball again and jump to block. timing takes a little bit of getting used to. You have to get used to the hitter and at what point in the arc of the set that they hit the ball. The tendency to have your arms behind your head often comes from being to close to the net. If you are too close you feel like you have to reach back in order to not net. The truth is you want to reach over the net, and press your hands into thier court. To do this you actually have to be far enough off the net, to have an adequate angle to not net while reaching over and pressing into thier court.

  5. Keep your elbows locked, spread your hands out so a ball can not get past. Basicly watch the ball. There is one drill that when you block you have to yell out what you see on the ball (numbers, name, or plain), it forces you to watch the ball.

    Good luck

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