
I need help with a Curry Recipe?

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I make oriental curry all the time.

My boyfriend LOVES it.

But the thing is he likes it really SPICEY.

I always get the mild kind and whenever I buy the medium or ot kind, it makes him sick.

So does anyone know how I can make the curry spicier by added something? I can't buy anyhting fancy, so any "house hold" spice ideas would be fantastic!





  1. I use crushed red pepper to spice up a lot of things. Its cheap and you can use it on pretty much anything (pizza, chicken, basically anything you want to add some spice to). It's a great spice to keep on hand. I bought mine for 50 cents at Walmart if thatr gives you an idea of cost....

  2. Cayenne pepper. A little bit goes a long way, so don't get too over zealous right away. Also, if you like it hot hot hot, then as a side try a yogurt based fruit smoothie type of drink (Lasi) it helps your stomach with the heat, but you still get the spicy flavour. Having the balance of the two dishes helps a lot.

  3. It sounds like his stomach cant handle it so spicy, even if he likes it. I would suggest that you make him eat some plain rice before he eats the curry and also some more rice together with the curry. If that doesn't help you can also make him drink heavy cream (which is yuggy) or wholemilk (which is not as effective).

    The thing is he needs to even out the spices in his body.

    If you just want to buy the mild curry you can add paprika, chili powder, garlic or fresh chili's but if it is the stomach it will have the same effect on him.  

    Alternatively he can see a doctor and find out if there is something wrong with his stomach, but I am quite certain they will just tell him to avoid spicy food, which he might not want to hear.

    Have you noticed other foods that make him sick?

  4. Finely chopped jalapeno or serrano peppers.  You could add finely chopped green onions to top the meal (raw).  This should be very familiar for him.

  5. Any of the following will spice up any curry:  you can add them to taste.  I also suggest eating your curry with some yogurt on the side, it will help to "cool" things down.  

    dried red chilies

    crushed red pepper flakes

    red chili powder

    cayenne powder

    fresh green chilies

    These will really turn up the heat in any curry!!

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