
I need help with a German recipe

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My penfriend sent me a German recipe. These are the things I am struggling with:-

125g geraucherter durchwachsener speck


250g gescholte grune erbsen

1 Bund Suppengrun

3 EL Gemusebruhe




  1. I lived in Germany for several years and can read, speak, and write some German.  Please check your friend's recipe to see if there are any umaluts (double dots) over the vowels.  These umlauts will impact the translation.

    Based on your post, here's a translation for you.

    125g smoked bacon (streaky/striped version - versus fatty)

    1 tablespoon OiI

    250g shelled (?) Green Peas

    1 bunch of soup greens

    3 tablespoons soup broth


    * Your "Ol" is likely Oel, which translates literally to "oil."  Likely this means, in a recipe, some type of fat, like vegetable oil, butter, margerine, or lard.

    * Although your post says "gescholte," I believe you mean geschaelt, which means "shelled"

    * Also, Gemuese translates to vegetables and Bruehe translates to broth.  So your "Gemusebruhe" translates to soup broth.

    Hope this helps!

  2. 125g durchwachsener smoked bacon

    1 EL OI (same in English, no translation there)

    250g gescholte Green Peas

    1 Confederation Suppengrun

    3 EL Gemusebruhe

    note: I speak German, and "EL" is Spanish, so your penfriend may have made a mistake. Some words can't translate.

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