
I need help with a angry old horse?

by  |  earlier

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i have this quarter horse/ thoroughbred mare, shes about 21 years now,

and if its not a human she hates it, she has pretty much made it known that if its smaller then her and its within 50 feet of her she will try to kill it, she had tried to attack my dogs when ever she can and has even gotten one between her feet, if a chicken goes in her stall she quickly chases it out,

and i have a quarter horse mare that is terrified of her, if she gets stuck in a corner with her she will get kicked till she finds way out or the old mare gets tired, this is making my horse terrified of other horses, at rodeos she hates going around others, and has even injured others trying to get away from them by rearing and jumping.

them mare is yet to kill something but just today she tried to attack my dog,

i really rather not get ride of her but i dont know what else to do,

is there anyway i can stop this before she kills something!




  1. Does your mare do these things when you are in close proximity? Does she do them if you were close enough to use a driving whip on her right when she does it?  Can you set her up, knowing what she will do so that you can correct her severely right at the moment that she does it.  I know that this sounds awful, but we used to have a chicken killing dog and when we saw her kill one, my husband tied it around her neck so that it hung in her face all day or two days, I don't remember.  From that time on, yes, she still hated chickens, but never touched them again, I have no idea if anyone has ever tried it on a horse.  Only other thing that I can think of is put a dog/chicken proof fence around the bottom of your horse fence, as we all know that you can't stand watch 24/7.  I was also interested in your answer to one of the other persons who asked you how she acted if you approached her with a dog/cat/chicken in your arms.  As horses are herd animals, you would think that surely she would get attached to something and protect it.  Is there anything that she is attached to or get's along with other than you?  I know, there are more questions in here than answers, I was just thinking out loud, I guess.

  2. try looking at the deeper problem; an event or the treatment of this horse has affected her badly at some point in her life. how long have you had her? try to trace her history a little - you may be surprised at what you uncover.

    if you have owned her all her life, talk to someone experienced in horse behavior, who should be able to offer sound, effective advice.

    remember - most behavioural problems stem from ill treatment or fear at some time in a horse's past, whether through deliberate cruelty or unavoidable circumstances. do not use brute force to overcome thi problem. seek experinced help.

    much love xx

  3. id ask a professional or she may have be put down if you dont take it seriously

  4. Before i suggest this, im going to say, i know what im saying will work. only if you do it immedietly. its not abuseive. its manners.

    You take a hot potatoe, that was heated in the microwave or oven, and keep it with you. make sure its HOT like super HOT, and give her a chance to do something like that, and you throw it at her shoulder.

    itll work.

    trust me.

  5. It seems like she's had a bad experience with other animals in the past. She's an old horse and so completely re-teaching manners is near impossible. You can however try and get her to be slightly 'calmer' around animals. You say she has no problem with people, so approach her with an animal in your hand. She might be a little confused but she'll slowly start to understand that animals can be just like people - nothing scary - and nothing threatening! As for your other horse, have them both on a halter and try leading them towards and away from eachother untill eventually they don't take any notice of eachother. Remember this'll take time and patience. Your other horse is now afraid of any other horse it sees. Is there any chance of you putting her in a paddock with another non-agressive horse? He/She'll get used to the idea that not every horse if aggressive and out to get her. I really hope this helps.

  6. my mom has horses and she says to get help from parelli

  7. Unless you can ensure the safety of your other animals, whom I am sure you regard as highly as you do this mare, you are deliberately and unnecessarily allowing the abuse of your other animals, which I would find unacceptable.  I don't know how you can safely "get rid of" this horse, unless you know of someone who will take on the task of keeping a 21 year old animal killer on their property.  Since euthanizing her violates your moral conscience, I guess you have 3 options.

    1.  Allow the abuse or death of other animals to spare this one.

    2. Find a way to protect the other animals from this one while

         keeping her on your property.

    3. Find someone compassionate and willing to take this one off of your hands.

  8. Just pray for her and love her ! For many animals and people,age brings fear and with fear comes anger !!!

  9. buy a round pen and  keep the old mare in it.  Make sure it is comfortable and clean and that she can see everything that is going on around her.  Train the other animals to stay away from the round pen

  10. Horses are pack animals. She is a dominate female. Your not going to train her, it's instinct. I had one for years that killed 3 chickens and 5 ducks before they figured out to stay away from him. At her age she wont change, you need to make other arrangements for the other horse. You may be eating a lot of fried chicken but they will also learn to stay away. Sorry!

  11. you can do one of two things:

    try not to let he get near other animals.

    or put her with other animals so she gets used to them and wont attack them anymore.

    but you might not be able to do the 2nd one since she is so old...

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