
I need help with a belly button piercing.?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i might be getting my navel pierced for my birthday.

& I have a few questions.

1) how bad does it hurt 1-10, 10 being the worse.

2) should i get the top or bottom done ?

3) ways to prevent it from getting infected.

4) how long till i can take it out.

i do cheerleading, & i know i can put a band-aid or medical tape over it during practice, but once competitions start i'll need to take it out.

even if it's just for the routine

so how soon will i be able to take it out

oh&i'm gonna be 14.






  1. 1 its don&#039;t hurt alot i would say 2

    2 top

    3 clean it everyday and move it

    44-6 weeks

    I got mine done

  2. 1) the top 2 :it only hurt me cause i didnt have alot of skin to pierce (im to friggen skinny &gt;.&lt; )

    -the bottom: 5  hurt cause there was litterally just enough skin to piercing

    2) top ; the bottom hurts more

    3) mine only got infected cause i had a reaction to the earring they put in so if your having that problem put bactiene on it and in 2 weeks try to change the earring thats what i had to do..

    4) wait a month atleast and dont leave it out for more then a hour without poking it with the earring to keep it from closing up

  3. 1) my top hurt about a 5 and the bottom hurt about a 6, it was painful but it was also bareable

    2) you should get whatever one you want, though most people get the top, i couldn&#039;t decide so i got both ^_^

    3) belly button piercings can be sometimes easily infected just make sure you clean it the way your piercer tells you.

    4) by taking out you mean changing it, you need to wait until it is fully healed and that can take a minimum of 6-12 months to properly heal

    i know you probably don&#039;t want to hear this but i&#039;m going to say it any way.  You should really think about waiting a year or too, your body is still growing and if you get it done now the piercing will most likely migrate and reject, leaving you with a nasty scar.

    definitely do not take it out in september, the belly piercing is one of the hardest and longest to heal piercings, and with all the bending and such with cheerleading you&#039;ll only end up hurting yourself.

    with your competition in december, you may be able to take it out, but it depends on how much it&#039;s healed so far, though i wouldn&#039;t recommend it.  You can always get a clear retainer for when you have your competitions, it will also reduce the risk of infection, from sweat and stuff when you do your practises/competitions.

  4. 1. everyone has different pain tolerance  mine was a 0 i didn&#039;t feel anything and i wasn&#039;t numbed either.

    2. its up to you if you want top or bottom

    3. keep it clean at all times.

    4. 6 months to a yr

    if you take it out to soon it will end up making the hole smaller and it might get infected

    once you get it pierced you can&#039;t take it out and till 6 month to a yr. so i don&#039;t think its a good idea to get your navel pierced

    when some people get it done it gets sore, red and after pain like period cramps.

    when i got mine done i never had any problems mine never hurt, no sore, no redness, and no after pain. mine never got infected or anything it just how well you keep your piercing clean! i had mine almost 2 yrs now

  5. Hiiiiya

    I&#039;m 14 too &amp; I just got myn done a couple weekz back


    1) I&#039;d say 1, if that! it was sooo quick too

    2) probably top that&#039;s wot I got

    3) don&#039;t touch it &amp; don&#039;t under/over clean it

    4) after 4 weeks

    yeahhh it lookz pretti fit wen itz dun (:

    gooood luckkkkkk &lt;3


  6. Eh, my best friend got it for her birthday as well a few years ago and it was pretty painful-and she&#039;s is good at taking pain. The pain is the worst soon afterward... I would say a 7...?

    But what I do know is that the healing time is the longest of most piercings... I know she couldn&#039;t take it out for several months... and it was still sore when we were snowboarding 3 months later.

  7. 1) 3

    2) top

    3) h2ocean - they should have it there

    4) 4-6 weeks

  8. 1) It differs through everyone... No one can tell if it will hurt or not....But Naval piercings are less tender then others.

    2) Let the piercer help you decide depending on what your naval looks might not have enough skin on top to hold the piercing up causing it to stretch out and possibly pull through your skin.

    3) unioidized sea salt soaks 2-3 times a day let the crusties fall off not pick at it move it too much or touch it with dirty hands...your piercer will talk tto you all about this.

    4) it normally takes 4-6 weeks to heal...Taking a piercing out for long amounts of time no matter how old it is will cause it to close up...just be careful.

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