
I need help with a birthday party, please...?

by Guest58978  |  earlier

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My daughters 1st birthday party will be this saturday at the park, we have had it planned for a month and already did our litttle invitations, problem is I live in Oklahoma and I think we're expeirencing some after weather from the hurricane bc it got much cooler here and the forecast nows shows rain on Saturday, so what can I do now? My house is to small for all of our family (big family) and I don't have anymore money to rent something. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated....




  1. go to a resteraunt

  2. Call the park and ask them if you can change the date to the following week and just let your guests know that it is because of the weather.  They should understand, they don't want to be out in the rain either.  

  3. Find the nearest park that has those awnings like areas where its concrete and has a roof over it..gosh I sound soo stupid right now. Like party  flats in the parks, I think they are free I mean they dont monitor them Im sure. Or if you can borrow a tent car port type tent with no sides just a top to keep rain off of food,  to stake down to put tables might now rain all day, just keep posted on the weather and it may only sprinkle or rain in the evening or morning.  If a family member lives near by and can hold everyone, call them and sweet talk them into letting people go there if it gets too crazy outside. Sorry Im not much help, I hope it holds out for you.

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