
I need help with a book for school??

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i have to do a book report on huckleberry finn for school but there's like a million kinds of versions i see everywhere. i saw one at wal-mart but I'm skeptical about buying it just in case its not the right one. it had, i think, a dictionary in the back and there was an introduction by some person. i also don't wanna pay like 7 bucks for it since i saw one for about 5 bucks. so i just really wanna know if all of the huckleberry finn books are the same (so i can buy the one i saw at wal-mart) or should i buy a certain kind??




  1. u probably should get a unabridged version..but if that is 2 hard get the other one: it will be easier 2 read!

  2. unless your school has given you a specific version, take whatever you find. however, you do need to buy an unabridged version, because any abridged version will cut out vital details and stylistic elements

    as far as i know, huck finn doesnt have too many versions in terms of the actual story, there are just differences in publishers, cover art, etc.


    if its abridged, the book should say that somewhere on the cover....usually unabridged wont tell you, its expected that if it isnt listed as abridged than its unabridged. check with someone at the bookstore to be sure tho!

    as long as the book is unabridged, just buy it, your teacher shouldnt care if you have a different version as long as you explain

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