
I need help with a bully problem at school?

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im sitting by three boys and there all picking on me please give me advice because even tought i tell them to stop they wont listen.




  1. Tell your teacher. See if you can move seats to somewhere they are not able to bother you.

  2. talk to your teacher about being moved to a different seat...

  3. well why dont you pick on them. come up with some rude comments about their face or body. it can just work. just make sure your the one who starts to pick on them before they pick on you

  4. They probably just want money from you, or to make you cry. It's just a bit of fun, and you shouldn't try to stop them. Remember, there are three of them.

  5. well, if i was you i would talk back to them or tell a teacher. Tell your friends too, i'm sure they would stand up for you. =]

  6. tell a teacher, adult, or someone else

    (i know you'v heard all these before but this is serious)

  7. I know how it feels to be bullied. The best way that I can help you is for you to just ignore them, then they'll get bored and leave you alone. But if the situation gets Violante, tell an adult, immediately! Or else at recess they might push you up against a fence or threaten to hurt you. Before a situation gets ugly, go get an adult. Like someone you trust,favorite teacher, family member, or Principal.  Hope I helped!

  8. Tell a teacher or summat. It's not being a grass, dw;]

  9. Sit somewhere else? tell your teacher that you wish to be moved..and depending on how severe they pick on you the best route is always to ingore it..If you yell at them to stop it just eggs them on..Thats what they want you to do.. Just write your friend a letter or something and when they start ignore them..if the touch you just say "hey, come one I am writing" and dont act made..say it with a smile.. DONT SHOW THEM THAT IT BOTHERS YOU!

    Good luck

  10. Go to your teacher and report it. Bullying is illegal. If the teacher won't do anything about it, go to the principal. Get your parents involved if necessary.

  11. Tell you teacher and your parents

  12. tell your principal. schools usually have big anti bullying/harassment policies. they could get suspended or explelled

  13. tell the teacher or your parents to talk to the teacher about moving you but make sure its after school

  14. well first stay after class and tell the teacher what they do to you and then try to find a way to solve this problem by moving seats, moving the bullies to another place, warning them.  if it still happens tell your parents I'm sure they'll talk to teachers to try to stop this and then just ignore them if possible eventually the fun they get from bullying you will end.

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