
I need help with a fox costume!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to be riding my horse in games like barrels and poles so i have to be able to move. my horse is the hound and we have his costume but we need mine. any ideas for a cute red and white fox?




  1. my friend was a squirrel for fair.. her horse was a tree.

    she had cordirawy[murdered that spelling] overalls that we reddish brown with a reddish brown turtle neck on underneath... then a big tail [which you could always attatch to the back of your saddle so you can move without it falling off.. then she made a mask out of that thin foam-like colored paper...

    good luck!

  2. Make ears out of wire and tape them on your helmet.  The wire so they will stand up.  Then a  redish orange t-shirt  and a tail you can safety pin to the back of ur shirt.  

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