
I need help with a girl issue!?

by  |  earlier

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hello..this i find is really awkward for me to say..but here's the thing...i've had my period for about..i think..almost 2 years now. i'm 14 and i've only every worn pads..and sometimes when i really want to go swimming and i have my period i'm really scared to try a tampon. and..i can't find my v****a..i know that sounds stupid but if anyone knows what is wrong or if they have more info please answer this..thank you!




  1. There's nothing wrong with you or having a hard time with tampons, it sounds like you just need to experiment a little. Use your fingers first to find the opening, and once you know the area and where to put the tampon, just try and relax and not get tensed up; that will just make it harder. You could try putting it in while laying down, since you haven't tried it before. Just take a deep breath, and in the end, maybe you're not ready. I had my period for over three years before I figured out tampons. :)  

  2. There's really no reason to be scared. It'll feel a little strange at first, but you'll get used to it. As for where to insert the tampon, you just pop it in where your blood and urine comes out. The little hole...not sure how else to explain it.

  3. first off.. people need to stop being so mean.. she is 14..

    but sweetheart it's normal to be your age and not know.. or be scared..

    if you are too embarrassed to ask your mom about where it is.. then do it yourself and use a mirror.. it is not that hard at all..

    and tampons are not scary or hurt... i am 17 and have had my period since i was 11 and i have never ever used a pad.. they have "tampon starter kits" at the drugstore that give you a guide, how to use them, and lite tampons that you buy in just one box..

    i really hope this helped :)

  4. well if you cant find your v****a maybe that means your a guy..or maybe you're just blind because its not that hard to see.


  5. Women's genitals all have the same parts, but just like faces, each is individual in the way the parts look.

    There's a good page about female genital anatomy at****a , and it shows both internal and external views of what's there, along with full descriptions of it all.

    Look between your legs with a mirror or slide a finger around in there until you feel the opening... you'll find yours with no trouble.

  6. Nothing is wrong.... If you have a period, you have a v****a.

    It's not that hard to locate, I mean.... come on....

    Locate it and try using tampons.

  7. Maybe you should try inserting a tampon in infront of a mirror, thats how I got one in my first time. Its alot easier when you can see what your doing!

  8. girl i am 16 & i have the same issue i wont wear a tampon because i dont know were to put it & i dont want anyone to show me or do it for me lol so this may sound a lil weird but when i lose my virginity then im sure it will be alot easier && then will see but thats me C-=

    hope i helped

  9. I hope this isnt a joke lol I went through that stage I think most girls do you should ether go talk to a nurse or get a mirror and stand ova it and put one leg up so you can see what you are doing

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