
I need help with a girl!!!! lol?

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I know this sounds weird but there's this girl, I like her lol and whenever I look at her in school she looks at me and smiles. wut duz that mean lol and I feel like asking her out but im kinda shy lol can anyone help me i rly like her and ive already experienced the feeling of being dumped please help me I really like this girl lol!!!!!!!!




  1. kk, well I'm a girl so I can help u on this one, When girls stare back at you and give you a smile its because they want you to notice them. I don't think I would ask her out quite yet, get to know her...alot. Become a really good friend towards her but still let her know that you kinda like her by giving her hints, when you do ask her out do it somewhere nice, a park or something. Make her fall for you, she is already most likely interested.

  2. if u really like her, just ask her out, most guys are 2 chicken but u have a good chance if your sweet and come on calmly

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