
I need help with a good packing list?

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i'm going away for a week to a sort of cabin/rustic-resort thing tomorrow. i need help for a packing list! it is in ontario, and the weather is most likely to fall anywhere from 17-25 degrees or so. rain is possible. i also have an ipod etc., maybe books, and i'm a teen girl. thanks!




  1. you're probably sleeping by now, but this is what I would pack:


    -first aid medication(aspirin, band-aids, painkillers, Tums, what-have-you)

    -rainproof/windproof coat

    -thick sweater

    -2 featherweight sweaters or 2 hoodies

    -3-4 regular t-shirts

    -pair of jeans

    -pair of cargo pants

    -extra pair of pants just in case one gets really dirty

    -3 tank tops

    -a few cute tops for the evening(maybe 3-4)


    -a scarf for styling outfits

    -pair of boots (if it's in the mountains)

    -pair of snickers

    -pair of pumps for the evening

    -7-8 undies

    -sports bra, t-shirt bra, multi-way bra

    -pajamas :p

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