
I need help with a math problem....using patterns.?

by  |  earlier

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what are the next two terms...

32, 48, 56, 60, 62, 63........

and why please. ive been trying to get it for such a long time and i cant come up with the right answer.

thanx everyone!! :]




  1.    16   8   4    2     1    .5      .25    

        \/   \/   \/    \/    \/    \/        \/        

    32  48   56  60  62  63  - 63.5  63.75

    the pattern is the numbers are divided in half

    yay math ,  

  2. 63.5 and 63.75 you add half of what you added the time before

  3. 63.5

    32 +16 -> 48 + 8 -> 56 + 4 -> 60 + 2 -> 62 + 1 -> 63 + .5  -> 63.5

    what it increases by halves each time

  4. well the first one you add 16 and the second one you add 8 and the next one you add 4 and the next one you add 2 and the next one you add 1...soooo you are just cutting it in half everytime!!! sooo just add .5 to 63 and and .25 to that answer

  5. If you look at the differences between consecutive numbers, you get






    These are:






    The next two differences should be:

    2^-1  and 2 ^ -2, which are equal to 1/2 and 1/4 respectively.

    So after 63, you get 63+1/2 = 63.5   <<<<<

    and then,

    63 + 1/2 + 1/4 = 63 3/4 = 63.75   <<<<<

  6. look at it this way... you added 16 to the first term, 8 to the second term, 4 to the third term, 2 to the fourth term, 1 to the fifth term, so you have to add 1/2 to the sixth term and 1/4 to the seventh term....

    hope that helps!:D

  7. the difference between numbers doubles from right to left

    like 62 and 63 has 1; 62 and 60 has 2; 60 and 56 has 4.

    so the term should be 63.5 and 63.75

    i guess

  8. answer are 63.5 and 63.75 because between 32 and 48 are 16 spaces and between 56 and 48 are 8 spaces and between 60 and 56 are 4 spaces... so on so forth so then its the difference divided by 2 each time... then added to the last digit

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