
I need help with a party.?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to have a cast get to together.

What are some ideas to do?

Wwe are 13 - 16 yrs old.





  1. 13-16 only 8th graders to sophmors in high school allowed

    a grown up for supervision no severe sexual activity like s*x just kissing at the most other than that have fun be safe

  2. Well it depends what kind of cast you are :P

    We like to do improv games. Like having a scene with 2 people inthe middle. They start and improv part of a scene. All the other people watch in a circle around them. At any time either of the people can shout freeze then they go to any of the people watching. The person that they chose has to go into the position that the original person was in, and improv a NEW scene.

    Games like that are fun, and last awhile :D

    Have fun

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