
I need help with a recurring dream please!?

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I used to have an older guy friend thats married and we

were real good friends but we had to stop talking because of his wife. Anyway, I miss him a whole lot and he won't talk to me lately through texts and I have tried to call him but I know why. I keep having dreams that he calls me or texts me and tells me he wants to talk to me again. The other night I had a dream we had s*x and I got pregnant. None of this is coming from my subconscious mind because I think about him constantly when I am awake. Last week I texted him a long message and even though he didn't answer, I saw him at the gym 3 days later and he walked past the racquetball court that me and my friend were playing in and he kept looking up at me as he was walking by and squinting his eyes at me like the bedroom look in a way, kinda like telling me he is not mad at me through nonverbal communication. (he has b4) I also dream of babies alot and that I am pregnant. Could this be a premonition possibly? What do u think?




  1. As you explained, this is coming from your conscious mind, not even your subconscious. Why aren't you leaving this married man alone? He clearly does not want any temptation.  You are courting disaster here, and I feel you are the type of woman who, as soon as he slept with you, you would call his wife to try to break them up. I am just being honest.  Please leave him alone.

    The fact that you posted this "dream" twice, under two different screen names and two different avatars tells me alot about you.

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