I'm developing a story for a movie I'm going to make this summer, I dont want to get into too much detail but basically a man lost some memory that he believes was from a car accident, and is taking a train to meet his wife for their anniversary, which they spend at a special tree, which is a recurring element, and on the train he has flashbacks of their first kiss by the tree, proposing to her by the tree, etc. When he gets to the tree he sees a coffin and a funeral set up and realizes that he wasn't in the car accident he thought had taken his memory, but his wife was and died, and he temporarily lost his memory because of post-traumatic stress. In the final scene he will put the present he was planning to give her for their anniversary (a "significant object" i have been calling it), on the coffin, and i want it to be something that relates to a memory they had by the special tree. I can't think of what the "significant object" should be. Anyone have any ideas?