
I need help with a swimming issue.?

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Ok so its my first year being a swimmer.

I know that when you do freestyle your supposed to breath out under water and breath in above, butt i have astma so it hard to continue breathing out under water for the three arm strokes.

How do i fix this?




  1. Banna: breathing each stroke is ok, but isnt the best choice. it gets tiring.

    I have mild asthma, and its not an problem for me, but what you can do is hold your breath for a little bit, then breathe out for half a second, or whenever you feel like to, then do it again later, while you are swimming your 3 strokes until your next breath.

    What you also can do is just breathe out slowley, which helps, becuase that way you still have oxygen in your lungs, if you are breathing slowly out, correctly.

    I always keep and inhaler whenever im doing anything that involves breathing or breathing hard. I keep an inhaler in my swim bag, it is important that you do that, in case you start wheezing, or you cant breathe, etc.

  2. Try to release your breath more slowly, and you can come up more often for air if you need to.  No one is going to hold your head under until you've done three strokes!  :)  The more you swim, the stronger your lungs will get and the easier it will become.  I'm an ex-smoker turned cyclist/triathlete and I can tell a huge difference from when I started!  

    Do be careful that you don't have sports-induced asthma though and always make sure to have your inhaler nearby. If you're swimming with a team, let the coach know.  Otherwise it mightn't be a bad idea to inform the lifeguard at your pool so s/he knows what to do if you start to have an attack while you're in the water.

  3. Actually, I had a 10 year old with severe asthma, overweight and on 4 medications join my team.  I regularly had him swimming 3500 yards in 1 1/2 hrs and he breathed every three strokes.  Within a few months, he was down to only one medication.  Both of his parents are Doctors, too.  Eliminating any specific issues to you that I would be unaware of, the solution is to recognize your level of fitness.  Make sure you are not exhaling too quickly and running out of air too soon before your next breathing cycle.  If this is too much, go back to breathing every two strokes, increase your endurance and try the three again.  Make sure you are not lifting to breathe but rather rolling from the hips with yoru head down and chin tucked to breathe on the side maintaining a more streamlined position on your side.  Also, be sure to bring your inhaler and keep it where you can easily reach it for emergencies.  Good luck to you!  

  4. if its the swim team, u cna breathe after every stroke

    thats what i do

    and as long as ur fast, its fine

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