
I need help with a ten year old thief!?

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I'm stuck with a major problem. My ten year old niece has been stealing money from me ( and her mom) and lying about it. She stays with me weekdays while her mom works. She has been grounded for this almost constantly for the last 6 months but she continues to take money from her mom and recently started stealing money from my purse. Any advice on a suitable discipline or how to handle this problem would be helpful. I'm at the point of not allowing her to enter my house again




  1. My son had this problem when he was much younger...he had a habit of picking something up, and putting it in his pockets.  We went through the habit of searching him every time we left somewhere, even his backpack, and that still didn't kick it.  Finally I sewed his pockets shut on all of his pants, and that solved the problem.  I'm not sure where she is putting things when she steals them, but maybe sew her pockets shut and don't allow her to carry a bag or any such thing until she straightens out.

  2. I have a cousin with sticky fingers and even as an adult, when he comes around everyone puts their valuables away.  Put your purse in your room.  

    My niece used to steal toys from my kids whenever she'd come over.  She'd fill her bag up with stuff before leaving.  It got to the point where we always checked her bag and pockets before she was allowed to leave.  Eventually she realized she was going to get caught, so she stopped.  We still give random checks though.  It's sad she can't feel like we trust her, but she never gave use reason to, so that's the price she has to pay.

  3. replace your money with a camcorder,you'll catch her

  4. This may sound harsh but call the police and explain your situation to them, most local police departments will work with you on your situation , they may come to your house to visit her or maybe even give her a ride to the jailhouse.  Trust me this has worked before because some children will keep doing things like that because they think they really won't get into too much trouble if you are the ones punishing them. Don't feel bad about it I had to do it to my cousin who stole miney from my husband.

  5. Tell her you know what she is doingg and that know boys will ever like her if she steals. It will make her stop.

  6. Go to the local police station and ask if one of them can come and have a talk with her. Maybe it will scare her into not doing it anymore.

  7. Just sit her down and talk to her telling her all the reasons why it is wrong. Also try to find out why shes doing it.  

  8. does she get any pocket money

    some kids will steal if their friends have money and they dont

    is someone taking money from her , is she scared of someone

    you need to speak to her about what is going on in her life and why she is doing it  

  9. I had the same problem except my child was doing this in school. I'm sure you've tried to talk with her, council her and explain why this is wrong and dangerous. What I suggest is to scare the heck out of her. What I did for my 10 year old is,  I meet the the principal of the school and we arranged for the police to arrest her and take her to jail to see what happens to people who take things that don't belong to them without asking them. I was there every step but she didn't see me. Needless to say, I haven't had that problem since. I think it's a good idea. That child must be stopped now, before she grows up and gets in big trouble. Try it! Scare her and make sure she understands.

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