
I need help with a yugioh dueling deck?

by Guest32391  |  earlier

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i'm making a new deck that can surpass the power of most decks, i'm making a deck around light attribute monsters and i want to have a deck which consists of

Blue eyes white dragon x3


Red eyes black dragon

do you think that i should include a Kuraz or what?

This is my deck so far:


Blue eyes white dragon x3


Red Eyes black dragon

kaiser Sea Horse x2

needle worm x2

Adhesive Explorer


Des Feral Imp

Lord of Dragons


masked dragon x2

Exiled force

X-Head Cannon

Y-Dragon Head

Z-Metal Tank

Red eyes black chick


Swords of Revealing light

Monster Reborn

Dark Core

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Lightening Vortex

Burden of the Mighty

Ancient Rules

Soul release

Flute of Summoning dragon x2


Mirror force

Negate Attack

Magic Cylinder

Dimensional Prison

Threatening Roar

Draining Shield

Sakuretsu Armor

Shadow Spell

Trap Jammer




  1. put in


    Blue eyes white dragon x3


    Red Eyes black dragon

    kaiser Sea Horse x2

    needle worm x2

    Adhesive Explorer


    Des Feral Imp

    Lord of Dragons


    masked dragon x2

    Exiled force

    X-Head Cannon

    Y-Dragon Head

    Z-Metal Tank

    Red eyes black chick


    Swords of Revealing light

    Monster Reborn

    Dark Core

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Heavy Storm

    Lightening Vortex

    Burden of the Mighty

    Ancient Rules

    Soul release

    Flute of Summoning dragon x2


    Mirror force

    Negate Attack

    Magic Cylinder

    Dimensional Prison

    Threatening Roar

    Draining Shield

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Shadow Spell

    Trap Jammer

  2. I say you do a lightsworn deck if you want surpass most decks.

    your cards are just not powerful enough, a good deck only need powerful cards and they need to work well with each another.

  3. umm those cards wont help much!

    but for a light deck

    a staple card is  HONEST

    you will need him!

    and limit yourself to 40 cards!

    also if you want a good deck! make a metadeck!

    conisting of Six Samurai, Macro Monarch, Dark World, Lightsworn, G-beast, Gadget..ect. those are really powerful decks!

  4. You should have Pot of Greed and a fusion card.Those are great when the time comes.I would put time wizard in your deck too.It came in handy when i was going against Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.A fusion card i would pick is Blues eyes Ultimate dragon since you have a blue eyes white dragon. And maybe your should have trap hole. I hope this helps.

  5. Depends entirely on how you play. Look for the things that don't work well and replace them with cards that compliment your deck and playing style. If you keep getting your effects negated or all your high-lvl monsters spellbound for example, add cards that can protect them.

    Its about finding what strategies cause you to loose and adding cards that give you a better chance against them.

    Good luck

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