
I need help with algebra.?

by  |  earlier

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Q=M-N divided by 4.

I have no idea even how to start




  1. If that's what you're given, it depends on what you're supposed to solve for.  That is, M or N, for example.

    1. Multiply each side by 4, giving you:

    4Q = M-N

    2. a) If solving for M, add N to each side, getting rid of it on the right and adding to the left, basically:

    4Q + N = M

    b) If solving for N, subtract M from each side, once again just switching sides, getting:

    4Q - M = -N

    Notice how N is negative, so you'll need to switch signs.  Just switch the sign of each value (it'll be the same thing mathematically), giving you:

    -4Q + M = N

    Hope all that helps!

  2. There's nothing to be done.

    You have Q = (M - N)/4

    That's it....that's all you can do. Unless values are supplied for 2 of these 3 variables with the request to solve for the remaining variable it must stand as it is.

  3. all you can do with this one is simplify.

    and you've already done that.  if they told you to solve for a certain variable (letter) you can get that variable by itself on one side of the equation, but other than that, you're done.  if they said "solve for Q" you've already done it.  if they said "solve for M" or "solve for N"  you still have some work to do, in which case e-mail me, and i'll help you with it.

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