
I need help with an application form?

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I am applying to be a text operator and in the application form there is a section which says: tell us about your experience and why you would make a good text operator?

What do they want to hear here?

Thanks for your help Claire




  1. They want to know if you've had any experience of being a text operator.  If not tell them why you think you would make a good text operator.

    If you have no experience, don't lie about it, just say your eager to learn, learn things quickly ans enjoy a new challenge.


  2. You need to show that you know about the job, I don't know what a text operator is. I would guess that you need a reasonable grasp of English, so check your spellings and grammar. Sell yourself tell them why you have applied, what you are good at, if you have any interests that may help in this type of work.

  3. Without wishing to be patronising you need to tell them about your work experience and relate it to the job you are applying for! Presumably you have a job specification along with the application form.

    Read through it and basically explain how you can do what they are asking, relating to experiences you have had at work.

    if you havent worked you need to try and relate it to something else you have done at school/college or even at home.

  4. They are obviously wanting to hear about previous job experience in the same field, or some talent that would make you a good text operator such as good English grades, etc.

    The again, you could just say,

    "I wnt dis job 4 me ok!"

    Sorry...couldn't resist...good luck with the job Claire.  :)

  5. put yourself in their position, they want someone who likes doing that sort of stuff, so you'll be happy at work and if you enjoy doing something your usually good at it, say you've done it voluntarily or in your spare time, a few fibs wont hurt. good luck

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