
I need help with ballet balances??????????

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I have a problem doing balances..can anyone give me a few tips. thanks




  1. strengthn your core muscles. wen balancing push down into the floor while lifting our upperbody. keep ou shoulders over your  hips and keep you back straight you core strong and pull your belly button in so it it feels as if its going toward you back!

  2. ive had trouble with them before too, but now

    what i do is basically listen to the teacher,

    they would tell me all the things i needed to

    do to improve with the balances, and i didnt

    understand, but if you pull your knees as tight

    as you possibly can, tuck your butt under and

    make sure your shoulders are over your toes,

    you cant go wrong, good luck =)

  3. i used to have the same problem but i am getting alot better. you must have strong abdominal. that will help you a lotttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! also when doing a passe you should think about pushing in to the ground and pushing your shoulders down. practice and good luck!

  4. you need to find your center and be able to hold it.  try doing crunches. if you dont have a strong core you will not be able to balance. good luck

  5. alrighhtt, its always in the core feel the center,

    second when you are in pasay,

    you should always concentrate on the standing leg, make sure its straight and pushing up

    so that you feel like your digging into the ground and have a good stance!

    hope i helped<3

    good luck!

  6. its all fromt the core. when your balencing squeeze your stomach as much as possible, make sure your not jumping/bouncing up [to work on that practice really sllllloooooowwww role ups onto demi to learn control], keep your shoulders square [dont lean one way or the other to try and balance your weight it doesnt work], square off your hips if your balancing with a leg up in pase or in a batma or something of the sort [make sure that even though your leg is up your hip should not come up with it. your hips should be completely level], LAST BUT NOT LEAST!! while balancing focus on a very small point around eye level [like something you would spot while turning] youd be surprised how much that helps cuz if your eyes are wandering your body is most likely movin all over the place

    hoped i help

  7. balancing while on pointe? or just in general?

    it never hurt to do more situps, maybe join a pilates class. The core is super important in getting control of your body's movement. if you're trying to balance on pointe, picture your toe driving into the ground but the rest of you floating on air. like a pink flamingo lawn ornament!

  8. Practice practice practice.

    Do the things you do in ballet class at home, or at the store when you are standing in line. Whatever it takes.

    It sounds silly but it works.

  9. okay...well you know ur r rocking back and forth.

    1. pointe ur foot out to one side..then take that foot back into a coupe`.

    2. Step back on the foot that was in a coupe`( one ball of foot./tiptoes) and lift the front foot off the ground slightly. then rock back down.

    3. Then bring back foot back into coupe.

    4. do the same with the other foot.

    practice makes it perfect

    good luck

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