
I need help with chemistry !?

by Guest66885  |  earlier

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When a 10.0 gram of marble chips ( calcium carbonate) are treated with 50.0 ml of hydrocholric acide ( density 1.096 g. ml )the marble dissolves , giving a solution adn releasing carbon dioxide gas. The solution weighs 60.4 g. How many liters of carbo doxide gas are released? The density of gas is 1.798.

Ok, I don't want the answer but more of how to do the problem. Do I have to convert mass to gl???




  1. Lots of info, but only the 10.0 grams is needed. 22.4 l/mole at STP. So divide 10.0g by the molecular wt of CaCO3 (g/mole) and multiply by 22.4 l/mole. The assumption is that ALL the marble dissolved which was stated.

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