
I need help with closet organization ideas.?

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Here is a picture of my closet:

I need idea's on how to store tank tops on my top shelf. I'm totally re-doing my entire closet this summer! I usually store my tank tops on one hanger, and pile about 5-8 tank tops to a hanger. But that just takes up to much space for my regular clothes. I was wanting to buy those "wicker" baskets with the cloth lining in them, put it on my top shelf with the tank tops folded, and piled inside. Anyone else have a possibly cheaper idea, or other suggestions for me? Thanks!!




  1. do you have room for a small dresser in your closet? below your clothes rack? i have a rubbermaid chest of three drawers that i use for craft supplies; something like that, inexpensive and easy to move, might work for you.

  2. Hi, if u have space below then i have an idea divide your full cupboard into two parts put 2 hanging rods(above and below) now you can hang all ur cloths they will take less space plus folding time and setting time for each cloth is saved.

    hope u liked this.

  3. Oh my goodness that is quite a closet! Depending where you live, if the weather permits, store away all seasonal clothing. Such as is you live somewhere guaranteed to be hot all summer invest in cardboard or plastic bins and store away all heavy sweaters. I would also categorize clothes to make finding a particular garment easier: all blouses together, all dresses together, etc. If it helps you, categorize by color also. Try finding cascading or folding hangers, these free up a huge amount of space. I have included a random link as an example of the afore mentioned hangers. Good luck!

  4. First step would have to be a clean out of your wardrobe and a trip to the thrift store. With what you have in there it will not be organized no matter what you do. Looks like you have an  outfit for each day of the year :-)

  5. Go to the Container Store (they have a website too-- fabulous place!!)  Or better than the wicker baskets, get the small clear plastic bins.  Then you can see exactly what's in it & you can stack boxes, and/or get a tighter, more neat fit (since they're rectangular.)

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