
I need help with college and decisions???

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I'm going to be a senior in high school this year and I have no idea what I'm going to do after high school?!?! I really want to become a country singer or an actress but my parents and everyone else doesn't think that's realistic :( I currently live in California but really want to move to Tennessee cuz thats where most country singers get started...I don't think I have the grades/money to get into a university there, so I was thinking about going to a community college there? But I really just have NO clue what to do??




  1. Start now, looking for summer music programs in Tennessee. That would be a great way to see if you've got the chops and get a handle on the area at large. You may want to take this year to apply to some colleges in the area and major in Arts. Since you aren't sure you have the grades or money, what would it hurt to try. If you got in, you may have to take out some loans to complete your degree, but at least you're one step closer to where you really want to be.

    Good luck and never give up on dreams....

  2. It's your life, so live as you'd like.  Take your elders/friends comments as a sign of caring about you, but not to let it influence your decision.  Listen to their reasons as to why, or why not you should do the things you do.  Ask for their opinion, but you make the choice.  

    What ever you decide, as your parents to break down every aspect for you.  (money, living, potential problems and benefits, etc...) for pursuing the things you want to do.  After that, you make the call since you'll be 18 (legally adult)

    As for attending a, it's definitely the best way to go about it.

    Ask you high school counselors/advisors for details on how to enroll.  or you can email the school directly for that information.

    The good thing about it is, you don't have to worry about your scores/grades.  They're open to everyone...  

    email me if you want more details.

    good luck


  3. If you haven't been "recruited" to sing already, its more of a dream/hobby than a reality.  You are very lucky that you have parents and other people giving you good, sound advice.  Might not be what you want to hear, but its good advice..../

  4. I think it would be a great idea to start at a community college in Tennessee, if you really want to move there!  If being a country singer and/or actress it your dream, you can make it happen!  So, good luck, and when you become famous...remember me!

  5. in order to get the highly inexpensive tuition rate at an out-of-state community college, you would have to establish residency first. That's usually a year, during which time you can wait tables, ring up grocery sales, or do any number of odd jobs to pass the time between when you arrive there and when you get to do the country music thing.

    Go to a local community college, get your 2 year degree, and try out the local country music scene where you are.

  6. If you really aren't sure what you want to do, I wouldn't waste the time or money going to a university right away. Getting your general education, and spending a couple years career/soul-searching at a community college might be exactly what you need. Going to a JC in Tennessee will also allow you to start forming a network and establishing connections in the music biz. If I were you I would attend a JC and work as an assistant at a recording studio or production company to get some experience. If you're cut out for it, you'll make it whichever route you go.

    Good luck!  

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