
I need help with deciding my school schedule-just for 2 classes-its my junior year?

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many people have told me that junior year is the most important year and i don't want to mess up on anything- ok so i am taking 2 AP classes (they are classes that get you ready for college) my mom wants me to take a pre-calculas honors class (my teacher didn't recommend me because your grade is suppose to be a 92 but i had a 91) anyways i really am good in math- people have said this class is basically an AP class but i don't care i want the challenge. Here's my problem if i do take pre-calc honors than i get this really mean, bad spanish teacher and i get a not so good lunch period. But if i don't do the honors of pre-calc than i have a lunch period with at least one of my friends and i will have a much better spanish teacher and math class will most likely be easy for me. but being in the honors class for math will be good for college but i really don't want this spanish teacher(and i have begged my mom to let me drop out of spanish but she won't let me) so i don't know what to do? can anybody help me??




  1. You will need two years of the same foreign language. If you already have that make sure you do pre calculus. It will look good on your transcripts

  2. i would keep the math because getting into a good college is important.. it is better to get into a good college than have a good lunch... see how the spanish goes maybe you will like it more than you thought you would. junior year is a really important year and i wouldn't blow it for a better lunch and an easier math. hope this helps! :)

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