
I need help with drawback shots. Any suggestions as to how to improve on this?

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I need help with drawback shots. Any suggestions as to how to improve on this?




  1. Check out Deans Pool Tips...No he's not a pro, but people seem to like him because he's only sharing what he's learned through the years.

  2. 1st, keep your q as level as table

    next keep your arm straight

    picture a clock face on the q ball; and lower the q tip down to were the 6 would be.

    now push the tip through the q ball ( FIRMLY ) and not hard.

    once you have struck through the ball pause and SLOWLY draw the q back ( TIP:- NOT HARD OR FAST ) good luck

  3. In addition to the other 2 answers, while striking the cue ball below center with a level stroke, you must follow through with your stroke and keep your head down. This can get tricky when the cue ball and object ball are close together because you have to follow through and then get your cue out of the way when the cue ball comes back.

    The source listed below will hook you up with a free email course on the fundamentals of billiards and the draw stroke is covered in detail there.

    Hope this helps.


  4. 2 things the guy before me didn't mention:

    1.  Have your cue tip well chalked, if you chalk the tip and see little black spots, the chalk isn't sticking there, scuff it up to get the chalk to hold.

    2.  Have it shaped.  the more round the tip the more the english will transfer to the ball.  Go out and buy a shaper, you can get them cheap enough, or you can get a good one.  I use Williards nickle and dime depending on the width of my cue tip.  I also carry a seperate disc scuffer to touch up the tip.

    Watch out for aiming too low, if you do, you might end up lifting the cue ball, making it jump off the table.  Typically you only need to hit the cue about the width of the tip from center to put english on the cue ball.

    Start out with the cue ball somewhat close to the target ball, about a foot or so, once you get that down move the target ball further and further away as you practice.

  5. Make sure your tip is evenly chalked. Keep your cue as level as possible. Stroke the cue ball below center but not too low so you don't miscue. Stroke the shot as smoothly as possible , do not jerk or come up on the shot. And most important is a good follow through. Stroke all the way through the cue ball. You will see a lot of players jerk the stick back real quick but this does more harm than good. Keep working on it and you will see the improvement.

  6. the stick has to be low as possible and flat, hit it hard and quick, use English and practice getting it to come straight back, you should be able to put the q ball in the middle, sink a ball in the side pocket, and draw it back to make another ball in the other side pocket

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