Please helping me identifying properties of minerals
Mineral 1 has the following properties: The luster is non-metallic - viterous; the hardndess is less than 4; the color is black, but the streak is white to light gray; the mineral has one perfect cleavage - basal, and the cleavage fragments form thin sheets that are flexible and elastic. The identity of Mineral is?
Mineral 2 has the following properties: The luster is non-metallic - dull; the hardness is less than 5.5 and it is even sloppery (greasy feel) when you rub your fingers across it; it has no visble cleavage; and the color and streak are pure white. The identity of Mineral is?
Mineral 3 has the followinng properties: The luster is brightly metallic one freashly broken surfaces, but after a year or so the surfaces oxideize in the air to gt a opaque yellow to tan tarnsh on them; the color of the fresh surface is golden yellow, but the streak is a greenish black color; the minteral is easily scratched. The mineral is?