
I need help with fish?

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Im getting fish

i want some tropical ones

any help?

on which kind and how many

i got a 20g fish tank




  1. neon tetras but in group of 6 ,mollies,guppies,platies,swordtails,endl... small fish u can get away with putting bout 10-12 in there but no more than that or u will over populate the tank

  2. i like angel fish they are pretty to look at or some sort of mollies

  3. i would get

    6 danios

    6 small tetras

    3 guppies

  4. 5 neon tetra's,

    2 MALE guppies

    i cory catfish,

    3 zebra danios

    hope that works for you

    they aare not VERY expensive, theyre hardy and they all can stand salt in the aquiarium

  5. Ok, here's a good set up for a 20 gallon tank (just a suggestion):

    5 male guppies (any color)

    3 cory catfish (any variety)

    6 neon tetras

    1 bristle nose pleco

    If you don't like guppies you can substitute mollies or platies or swordtails for the guppies.  Or mix and match them.  Just stick with males unless you want to have lots of fry and get another tank for the extra fish you'll end up with when the fry grow up!

    Make sure you cycle your tank before you add the fish and don't add them all at one time.  Put them in a few at a time and there will be less chance of them dying from an ammonia or nitrate spike.  Don't get the pleco until your tank has been established for a while and you have some algae in there for it to eat.

  6. you can get some black mollies about 5 or you can get some angel fishes. though i would suggest getting a kissing gourami because they look like theyre kissing!!! =) or you can get some tetras like neon tetras that make a school or some corys.
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