
I need help with interview questions . I want to be a flight attendant. Please help!?

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1.I need simple question to win the interview as a flight attendant,

2.Why do you want to be a flight attendant? (please answer

3.How do you conduct your self when faced with a difficult passenger situation?

4.Why do you want to work for this company?\

5.why do you suit being a flight attendant

6.passenger says, "somebody is in my seat make them move"? what would u say?

7..can you tell the kid to stop saying bye bye plane over and over, stop the noise? what would u say?

I need all these answered it will be a big help for my intereview because i will know they will say scenarios and they will ask questions like this. I just want to say the right words and the right answer to get the job. I only worked in medical care for 3 years want to get out and do something different




  1. The interviewing process for the position of flight attendant is like no other interview you've ever had.  Instead of a sedate interview of your past, held in the Human Resources office of a corporation, you may find yourself singing and dancing in front of a crowd of people!  Because of this, successful applicants prepare for interviews with their airlines of choice by attending interviews with airlines they have no intention of working for, just for practice.  That way, they're better prepared for any question or situation an interviewer might throw at them. You can also gain valuable information by utilizing the resources listed in the "Career Resources" section in the back of the Flight Attendant Job Finder & Career Guide.  Knowledge is a good thing, and there is no such thing as enough interview knowledge.

    During the interviewing process, most airlines will start with a group interview or "cattle call".  A large hall will be rented and groups of applicants will be given an overview of the airline and job requirements.  You are usually asked to fill out an application at that time, so you will want to have your resume information with you.  One of the surest ways to be bumped from an interview is to say, "Can I get back to you on these dates?  I don't have that information with me."  Or, the airline may have mailed you an application to your home.  If this is the case, it should be completely and neatly filled out before you arrive at the interview.  As we mentioned in the previous chapter of the Flight Attendant Job Finder & Career Guide, it is even recommended to make a photocopy of the application, so you can practice filling it out, then putting that information on the original copy as neatly as possible.  You should also make a photocopy of the finished application, and bring it with you to the interview.

    Following the "cattle call", small groups of applicants may be taken before a panel of interviewers.  Further interviews may be given at that time or applicants may be notified of follow-up interviews by phone or mail.  The second and third interviews may consist of groups of applicants meeting with a panel of interviewers, a single applicant meeting with a panel, or a one-on-one interview.  Usually you will be sent a pass to travel on your prospective airline to interview in their training city.  These are "on-line" passes, and are good only on that airline's routes.  If you don't live near a city your airline flies to, you will have to pay your own way to get to the closest city where the airline operates.

    So what makes these interviews so different?  The fact is, the interviewers already know your personal history - it's on your application, which has been pre-screened prior to your arrival.  What the interviewers want to find out about you is your character:

    How do you handle stress?

    How do you conduct yourself when faced with a difficult passenger situation?

    How well do you work as a team player?  

    How do you take direction?

    Are your social graces sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the job?  

         These are the most important criteria toward which the focus of the interview will be shifted.  Therefore, the interviewers are not necessarily going to ask you about your last job.  They're going to put you in situations and see how you get yourself out of them.  For instance, in your group of applicants, you may be asked to stand up on a stage and sing the company's slogan, or invent a new one.  They may give you an object, perhaps a pen or paper clip, and instruct you to "sell" it to the rest of the group.  Many will give you in-flight problem situations, for role-playing, and evaluate how you handle them.      

         Many of these scenarios will have no "right" or "wrong" solution, and the interviewers do not expect you to know their specific corporate policies.    They want to see how well you "think on your feet" and apply common sense to your solutions.  

    Airlines love to throw hard questions at you, to see how you react.  Some examples of these are:

    "You have such beautiful long hair.  Would you cut your hair short to get this job?"

    "This job will require you to move to New York (or Des Moines, Walla Walla, Timbuktu...).  Will this create a strain on your relationship with your boy/girlfriend?"

    "You are going to have to work every holiday for the next three years, before you even have the possibility of getting one off.  Are you prepared for this?"

    "Why do you want to be a flight attendant?"  Please don't answer this question with the standard answer of "...because I love people and I love to fly!"  Interviewers hear that response hundreds of times a day.  A more correct answer would be one that demonstrates what you have to offer your prospective airline.  


         This is where your homework will come into play.  Mention the new city that the airline is flying to, or the new nomination for CEO, etc. If you chose them for the chance to utilize your language skills, let them know that.  Everyone at the interview wants to be a Flight Attendant.  The airline wants to know why they should choose you over the other applicants.  What skills will you bring to the airline to improve its standing in the marketplace?  The pressure will be on you to perform, as there are no right or wrong responses.  If you list a foreign language on your application, someone will test you, so you had better know more than "Buenos Días"!

         During the entire interview process, consider yourself "on stage".  It's not unusual for an airline to be evaluating you as you're waiting to be called into a session.  It's a common practice for one of your fellow applicants to be a company employee working undercover. They may be talking with you before the interview, and reveal that they "heard" the airline is not a good one to work for.  Never speak negatively about this company, or compare them to other companies in a conversation.  These persons may convey your answers back to the company.   (Some airlines even go so far as to ask the working crew how you behaved on the flight in.)  They will be observing you to see how you get along with the other applicants. They may be talking with you before the interview, and reveal that they "heard" the airline is not a good one to work for.  Never speak negatively about this company, or compare them to other companies in a conversation.  These persons may convey your answers back to the company.  

    Throughout the interviews, whether it is the group, panel, or the individual interview, maintain good eye contact with the interviewer.  And always, always, remember and use the interviewer's name.  If you're in a group interview remember the names of the other applicants, and listen to what they're saying in their responses.  Then use this information in your own responses, in a scenario such as this:

    INTERVIEWER:  "...and what do you feel is the main reason for flight attendants on an aircraft?"

    YOU:  "Well, Jane, I agree with Susan when she said it's for passenger comfort, but feel the larger reason for flight attendants on board is for passenger safety."

    After the interview, be sure to thank your interviewer(s) by name.  Reiterate to them how you would like to be a part of their in-flight team, and what you think is the one skill you would bring to the position.  This will leave them with a good impression of you, which they will utilize when they decide who continues on to the next level of interviews, or who gets a rejection letter.  If you get the opportunity, this is the time to attach a small photo to your application form or resume.  It should not be much larger than 2"x2", and should be a professional looking shot of your head and shoulders.  Interviewers may talk with hundreds of applicants in a day, and make notes on their applications.  At the end of the day, the interviewers will review the applications that weren't immediately rejected, trying to further narrow down their choices.  Having a photo on your application will help them remember your participation in the interview, and the impression you made.

    Sometimes it's the little details that will make or break you.  Airlines have been known to have applications to be filled out at the interview.  If you forgot to bring a pen, you can ask the interviewer for one, and they will give you a pencil.  Later, when they're going through the applications, they will throw out all the ones filled out in pencil, as this proves you're not good at planning ahead for a given situation.

    Are you friendly and talkative, or are you shy and keep to yourself?  Your posture and how you sit, walk, and talk will all be checked.  This information may be reported to the interviewers before you enter their office.  You will always want to be on guard at all times, not just the time you are in front of the interviewers.  Are you slumped against the wall or slouching in your seat while waiting to be called?  Is this what you would consider "professional flight attendant" demeanor?  Your interviewers will not!  .  Be friendly, talkative, and sincerely interested in the people around you.  Don't criticize the company, or any other airlines for that matter.  Always be as upbeat and positive as possible.  Even if it is allowed or permissible, don't smoke during the interview process.  All US and Canadian airlines are now a non-smoking environment, and one airline even requires you to be a non-user of nicotine products to apply.  As a working crewmember you will have the same smoking restrictions as your passengers, so it's best to get in the practice of abstaining from smoking now, befor

  2. 1. Why DO you want to be a flight attendant?  Forget about saying "I love to travel" or "I love working with people" or "I've always wanted to work for an airline."  The majority of flight attendant applicants say these three things in one form or another.  Think of something you can bring to this company and this position that is unique to you.  Perhaps you speak several languages.  You've worked in medical care...flight attendants are trained in emergency medical procedures.  Find a way to correlate your experience with what will be expected of you if you are successful in obtaining this position.

    2.  Difficult passenger situations.  Recruiters are looking at your thought processes, your ability to think quickly on your feet, to come up with alternatives, whether you can handle the pressure of adverse situations.  Can you diffuse a potentially volatile situation, can you remain calm under pressure, etc.  What WOULD you do?  Suppose a passenger didn't get their choice of meals on the flight?  Or perhaps, your flight is late and they'll miss their connecting flight.  The key here is to remain calm, acknowledge the passengers concerns, confirm that you will do what you can to assist them, and then do it!  

    3.  Why do you want to work for this company?  Again, simply because they're hiring won't get you very far.  This might be the time you reference some of the research you've (hopefully) done about the carrier.  Do you like their fleet make-up (the types of airplanes they fly)?  Are you familiar enough with their corporate culture that you could illustrate how you would work well here? Perhaps they fly to parts of the world that you are culturally familiar with.  Are they more financially secure than their competitors (did you check their stock price the day of the interview?)?  Again, you need to be original here.  "I like your uniforms" isn't the right answer.

    4.  Why are you suited for the flight attendant position?  See Question 1 above.  Best to explain that you understand what a flight attendant does.  That it's not all glamour and fun but that it's HARD work.  Often hot, sweaty hard work.  It's long hours, often at night, being away from home and family on holidays, weekends, birthdays, etc.  

    5.  Seat dupe.  Easy enough.  Procedure is to ask to see the boarding passes of each of the passengers.  One should be correct and one should not.  Make the adjustment accordingly.  IF they both have the same seat assignment listed on their boarding passes then make sure the flight number matches your flight, make sure the date matches the current date.  If after all that they still have a seat duplication then contact the gate agent to check the computerized seat map and let you know the name of the passenger assigned the seat in question.  

    6.  Annoying children.  Here's where the calm in reacting to situations comes in to play.  Be creative.  Talk to the child.  Divert their little mind off of the obsessive compulsive behaviour. Have them draw you a picture of the plane.  Maybe (parental approval notwithstanding) take them on a tour of the cabin.  Heck, give 'em a pick-up trash bag and have them walk through the aisle collecting trash with you.

    Now, don't use MY answers.  Come up with your own.  Like you've already started, make a list of all the questions you think might be asked in an interview.  Have friends think of questions too.  Then study the questions...THINK about your answers given the tips I've shared...then answer the questions.   Perhaps conduct a mock interview or two with a friend or relative.  Once you make it to the interview (and you've done all your homework, research, and are  thoroughly prepared) then relax and be yourself.  More times than naught the interviewers are current or former flight attendants.  They're looking for people they'd like to work with.  Is that you?  Good luck.

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