
I need help with knee pain.?

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I have been experiencing knee pain after every bike ride for the last 3 weeks .I ride to and from work maybe 3 times a week 45 minutes each way (I also run 4 times during the week for 30 minutes). It has never happened before and it is starting to concern me. My knees are in pain after I ride, then they feel swollen. It usually goes away after a while but the swollen feeling comes back at night (whether I exercise that day or not). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to alleviate this?




  1. I was troubled by knee pain without relief from the MD. When I got on the Glucosamine regimen, the pain went away. I take it AM and PM with meals.

  2. glucosamine capsules work for me I have very sensitive knees due to the fact that I worked over 35 yrs on hard cement floors and my dr. suggested taking this supplement and it really helps me  

  3. first of all ice it down-it will stop the swelling

    second my father is a chiropracter GO TO A CHIROPRACTER!! if it gets way to bad go to the hospital

    **chiropracters do wonders

  4. Having read this i think what u need to do is give your knee a rest!  Sure u may have to bike ride to and from work but don't do the other excercises like the running for several days. Your knee needs a break and perhaphs before u do any type of excercise make sure to stretch gently before and after, warm up you know. And make sure u have proper running shoes. Thats really important.

    I also suggest taking an anti-inflammatory pill and using something such as bengay on the knee and avoidiing cold water on the area and like i said unecessary excercise for several days. If it keeps happening after 2-3 weeks then u need to see a doctor to get an x-ray and so that a physical therapist can teach u excercises that r safe for YOU , that will strengthen the knee.

    Depending on your age you may need vitamin D and special pills for the joints which your doctor would prescribe.

  5. Doctor - x-ray.

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