
I need help with money to buy a nintindo ds lite?

by  |  earlier

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i have 75 dollars and i cant get a job yet i cant steal money cause thats just wrong and ive searched every where for money just laying around in my home. PLEASE HELP




  1. you can collect cans then recycle them and collect the money, it'll take awhile but it can be done or you can mow lawns in your neighborhood and make some quick cash


  2. Sell some of ur stuff or wait till ur or ask your next doo neighbours if the need there car washing for 5-10 dollers

  3. If you want to buy a cheap and good one,I am happy to recommend a site to you.

  4. what are you 8 years old?

  5. Sell online

    Wait for your birthday

    Ask around for some extra cash

    Do some odd jobs

  6. ebay?

  7. ask ur parents?

  8. Well  if i where u i would just keep on saving or get a used one there like 100!!

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