
I need help with my 1 year old's routine..?

by Guest58274  |  earlier

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I have been a SAHM for the last year and we've never had a strict schedual with our daughter who is 13 months. She falls asleep in the livingroom everynight after running around. I am always up reading or doing dishes and it's just worked.

Now I want to get a part-time job and start going to the gym on a regular basis. The fact that we have no routine is really becoming a problem. I never know when she is going to nap or go to bed.

What's the best way to ease her into a routine? I don't want her to go to bed too early because I am not a morning I was thinking a 9 or 9:30 bedtime. Should I just put her in her crib at the same time everynight? I need advice. If she is tired enough she will fall asleep within 3 minutes of crying, but if she isn't tired enough-- that's what I am worried about.

Any advice would be great.




  1. Three words : Ben A Dryl

    1/2 before bedtime, about 9pm.

    Wake her up early in the morning, abou 8:30 or 9 am.

    Let her sleep at about 1 pm for no more than 2 hrs.

  2. I am having the same problem with my 13 month old. My son pretty much goes to sleep when he wants to (drives me crazy) but what else can I do? I just do not know what to do bc you can not make them sleep, right?

    And I do not agree with the lady that says give them benadryl as far as I am concerned and many people that is child abuse (and you can look it up bc it has the opposite effects on some kids-did mine).

  3. what i did was every night at the same time put her to bed. my son goes to bed at 9 and is up at 7.  this is my night time routine

    7:00pm snack

    7:30 bath

    8:00 he gets a cup of milk and he has some play time nothing that will hype him up

    8:30 we read books and settle down time (snuggling etc)

    9:00 he is in bed

    it takes awhile for them to get use to it be she will just be consistant!!  u cant give up good luck

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