
I need help with my 15th birthday party:O ??

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*sorry its kinda long and wrong section but i get the best answers here:)

okay so this partys gonna be at my house [my backyard] soo it cant be HUGE. my mom said i can invite up to 70 people [including family]

i wanna invite AT LEAST 25 kids from school but i dont even know 25 kids:/only 17 names are on the list [from school] well i do know more kids but there not my friends more like people i only say "hi" and "bye" to. my party is gonna be september 20th which is about 2 and a half weeks after school starts.

MY QUESTION:how do i make atleast 10 more friends before my party so i can invite them??? i dont know many guys how can i make more guy friends?? [and please dont say dress S****y]

2ND QUESTION: heres what im planning: A DJ,mexican food caitering,umm my brother has guitar hero:D [but i dont think anyone would really play] and my mom wanted an astro jumper for the little kids who come BUT i dont really want one cause im afraid everyones gonna think im stupid [would you think that??],a virgin margarita bar [you know those fancy drinks without alchohol. and thats it.

does that sound okay??? or does it sound super booring???

please help:O

my friends sister made it seem like my party was gonna suck with not that many guys and no beer. [how do i make guy friends so i can invite them??] i cant have beer [cause im not old enough] and if there is alcholhol its only for the adults.





  1. Try makign friends with the new kids when school starts that way you can invite them. I think it sounds cool, but you need more entertainment though. Try waterballoons. :) they may sound immature but are super fun way to loosen up awkward moments, plus it's in your backyard so no mess, it's like watering the garden :). Have fun and HBD!

    answer mine please?

  2. ummmmm... well for the first question, to make friends and meet guys, just talk to them. if they are in your classes just be like hey, did we have any classes together last year? or if you dont get something in a class be like hey do you get this cuz i have know clue how to do it. i mean just start a conversation or sit with new people at lunch. if you get invited to parties just go even if you dont really want to just go to meet people.

    for question two i think that it sounds pretty good. since you have a dj get a dance floor so that you can dance, food sounds good, guitar hero is not that great but you could have like a prize and have like a championship and whoever wins could get the prize, and just make like a kidz zone and put the jumper there.also to make it better you could buy some cheap frames and have each guest take a pic with you and give them out at the end, have a scavenger hunt with different things in your backyard. well thats all i can think of at the moment but i hope you have a great party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. dig a hole and make a fire pit and roast marshmellows. thats always a crowd favorite

  4. well dats an interesting party if u wanna invite more guys just be friends wit them when skool starts

  5. talk to them

    get their phone numbers from friends

    message them on myspace

    they will get to know you in no time.


  6. trusst me get an astro jumper , there was one at my freinds girlfreind's party a few months back (well one of them things your strap around your waste, you run and put on the target thingy), and it went down really well, even when we wasn't drunk, i'd hide all your valuables and stuff that isn't in use, as i could get stolen very easy, although it's said as a now alcohol party, some kids are gonna sneak it in, you need to merge the parents and alcahol together some way. (most parties i've been to have had parents, just as long as you keep em out the way/in watch of trouble), just tell your freinds to bring a freind along, but don't let it get carried away because if the word gets around too much, everyone is gonna be at your doorstep begging to get in, just be freindly to people, it's not just about boys, it's about having a memorable time :) hope this helps

  7. It sounds like a really good idea. If your wanting to go for a really big party. Just make sure things don't get out of control (the guests don't go crazy and take over)  or it may be disappointing. Also, what about dancing? Everybody always love that ;D

    As far as making new friends go... I'd say you just need to expand your horizon and make a point to talk to different people in your classes. Sit with different people at lunch. Join a new club/sport or something. Just stuff like that ;D

    Hope your party goes awesome.

    (And Happy (Early) Birthday!)

  8. Invite people you don't know so well.. & get to know them! :] Socialize..

    Be yourself, of course :)

    I don't know what an astro jumper is but, sounds like a lot of fun!

    Make sure the DJ has good music. The virgin drinks are a great idea.

    Aproch guys at school & be outgoing & tell them it's going to be a lot of fun! :] Don't let silly boys intimidate you. Guys love a good party so they'll definitely go.

    Happy 15th birthday and thanks for some ideas on mine! :)

  9. you make guy friends by doing guy things like sports and stuff study guys and act like them when your around guys (but don't loose your girly insticnt or you'll just be one of the guys) make more freinds by hanging around places you usally don't like for example if your into basket ball play softball by doing that you will have a variety of freinds and you'll be known as the cool nice one. do not have a astro jumper at your party that will just make it seem as if your truning 8 years old. and i think that your party could use some more detail like idk uhm... i'm not 15 so think about it what would a 15 year old want at a b-day party do you really think mexican food is gonna be enough. i mean how about a choclate fountain with  all types of junk food (thats what my 15 year old sis says) with tons of activites like gutair hero is great for the guys maden 2008 and for the chicks beauty makeovers and like you should make goodie bags like for the chicks lipgloss blush pink girly stuff...etc for the guys keychains miniture sports players...etc point blanke make is a party to remeber thats the key to a good b-day party

  10. Don't have alcohol at all at your party. Just virgin stuff. Kids plus alcohol leads to serious trouble, even if it's only intended for the adults. Your friends might feel wierd hanging around your family. I wouldn't invite little kids. Don't worry about not inviting 25 people. Just don't sit by your friends on the first few days of school and non chalantly talk to people that you think you might like. If you know your friends have good boyfriends, invite them to come as well, but make sure they won't all go sneaking into the corners and making out and whatever. You might want some alternatives with food and drinks because some of your guests might be picky eaters and not like mexican. Just basics like chicken and water and lemonade or something. Dancing sounds like a lot of fun. Guitar hero is a party classic. Make things available but don't force it down people's throats, like board games or limbo or something. People tend to entertain themselves when they have the opportunities.

    Oh, and by the way, happy b-day. My fifteenth is about a week before yours. =) A toast to permit driving! Unless of course, they don't do that in your state.

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