
I need help with my 5 year old. She does not listen to her father or me. She is always crying. Help!!!?

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My 5 year old is always crying when she does not get her way. My husband and I are at our wits end. We need some advice.....




  1. i no u probably wanted to hear from other mothers and not a 14 year old girl. but i babysit triplet girls that are 4 almost 5 and they are exactly the same to there parents and me.

    The thing i do is if they start to act up and give them a warning. i tell them that if they don't stop (crying/whining/whatever there doing) then they will go straight to time out.  if they don't stop then thats where they go.  i have them sit until they stop crying or whining. Then i make them apologize to me or whoever they hit or whatever.  Just make sure they sit until they listen.  the longest time any of them have sat was Brittney, she sat for 23 minutes one time because she was screaming.  Be sure that u let them no your in charge.

  2. First of all, do not reward her for crying.  

    Don't react to it, walk away, put her in time out and ignore the crying, which is VERY hard to do, I know!  However, if you do not get a grip on her behavior now, you will have huge problems in the future.  I know this sounds corny, but watch SuperNanny, Jo is always dealing with these kinds of situations.  I'm a grandmother and don't really need the parental advice, but I love how Nanny Jo deals with the issues of raising kids!

  3. She is crying when she doesn't get her way because you have enabled her to do so.  When she was a toddler she probably threw fits, or cried when she didn't get her way and in order to stop it you gave in and gave her what she watned rather than ignoring the crying, the tantrums.  So yeah now she is going to do it.  I suggest that when she starts crying beause she doesn't get her way WALK AWAY from her and IGNORE her.  The number one rule in my house since the birth of my first daughter is "I do NOT argue, I do NOT debate, I do NOT negotiate"   When I say "No" that's it I don't wait for a child to start crying.  I walk away.

  4. You have to bear with the crying and screaming. If you stand your ground and don't give in she will stop.  Just remember not to give in.

  5. try getting down to her level and talking to her in a clam voice. do not give up and walk away. stay frum with her.

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