
I need help with my 9 week puppy?

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my puppy is a pomeranain pug mixed dog is geting very agresive!he growls if i dont let him on the couch.WHAT DO I DO!!!!




  1. At nine weeks, he is NOT aggressive. Take a training class so you will know how to appropriately care for him.

    Do NOT kick or hit him!!! NEVER punish a dog. Use positive reinforcement!

  2. You need to do submission exercises, hold the puppy on its back and don't let it up for a few minutes until you want to let it up. Don't pet him , just hold him.Hold him in front of you off the ground by putting your hands under his front legs and again wait until he's calm then put him down. Put him in a down position and make him stay there, start at five minutes then increase it to thirty minutes over time and let him up when he's calm but not before. He needs to learn that you are the boss. A obedience class would be good, a lot of places have a puppy class.

  3. He's 9 weeks old this is normal behavior he's trying to play with you. PLease make sure he has all of his shots and then take him to obedience training classes you can learn how to train your dog into the best dog a person can ask for.

  4. when he growls don't look at him. don't look at him at all, and if he starts nudging you, DON'T LOOK AT HIM. or else it will mess up the training. and if hes biting every time he bites squeal and turn around, don't talk, don't move. and have tense back. hope this helped.

  5. At 9 weeks he is not aggressive, just a baby puppy.  Chalbri is right, he needs training and socialization.  I would think signing up for some puppy training classes would be very helpful.  Good luck.

  6. Get a rolled up newspaper or magazine and when he gets aggressive tell him NO real loud and hit the newspaper against your hand.  The noise will be loud enough to get his attention.  Worked well for me.

  7. You need to establish your rank as 'alpha' in your 'pack' which is your family. Next time he growls, simply say NOO loud, almost growl or bark it back to him. Stare him in the eye, until he looks away. That will show he is not as dominant as you are.

    Hope this helps, I've had plenty of experience with dog training with the whole alpha rank.  

  8. I agree with Reece.  Your puppy needs to learn who is the boss - and it is not him.  I think that alot of people with small dogs are afraid to hurt their dogs and so allow them to get away with bad behaviour.  I also think that humanising a dog is not good for the dog.  A dog, no matter how small or large, is a dog and needs to have a strong leader to make it feel secure and confident.  Humanising the dog sends it confusing signals and, I believe, leads to many of the problems that the owners of small dogs have with them - yappiness, aggressive behaviour, lack of toilet training.

    A happy well mannered dog can only be achieved by consistent training and reinforcing good behaviour with praise, etc.

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